
Cousinea Keeleyi Spider

Goblin/dwarf hunting spiders comprises about 500 species of very small (1-3 mm), short-legged spiders. They occur throughout the temperate and tropical regions of the world, in habitats as diverse as deserts, savannahs and rainforest.

Most species are leaf-litter dwellers but some inhabit caves or live in tree crowns. Because of their diminutive size and cryptic habits, these spiders have long been understudied.

However, in 2002, a scientist researching these spiders in the Seychelles made an amazing discovery on Cousine Island. A new spider never seen to science before was discovered and described.

The Keeley spider (Cousinea keeleyi), named so after the current owner of the island, is a blind goblin spider and is known only to be found on Cousine Island in the Seychelles. The continued protection of Cousine Island is therefore paramount to the survival of this species.

One of our best kept secrets to discover on Cousine Island.