
Seychelles Fruit Bat

The Seychelles fruit bat (Pteropus seychellensis) is the only mammal found on land on Cousine, aside from the staff and guests to the island. This species, which is an endemic to the Seychelles, is rather large, weighing approximately 600g, and can have a wingspan of up to 1.1m long. Their size and contrasting colouring (black wings with a bright orange-yellow head and neck) make this mammal easy to identify both in flight and while roosting in the treetops.

This species can be seen throughout most of the year, but occurs in higher numbers between the months of November to February due to the higher availability of food sources. They feed on fruit trees, such as Ficus sp. (fig /banyan trees) and Mimusops sechellarum (Seychelles mimusops), and due to their mobility, they also function as efficient seed dispersers. They can be found roosting communally in the treetops during the heat of the day, only emerging in the later afternoon to feed. When at their feeding tree, these animals are extremely noisy and their squabbling can be heard across Cousine for much of the night, giving the island a somewhat spooky feeling.

A previous conservation management couple assisted in the rehabilitation and release of a juvenile fruit bat, which they named Squeaker. He has been known to make an annual return to the staff office area on Cousine. We are waiting with much anticipation for his arrival this year.